In conversation

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Flower painting - materials, sketching and finishing

Stanley Grimm, R.P., R.O.I. wrote a series of articles for The Artist in 1949 on the subject of flower painting. In this feature, taken from the November issue, he looks at materials, sketching and finishing.

How to get more from your watercolour pigments

Jean Haines shows you how to pep up your painting with yellow.

Oil painting by Dorothea Sharpe RBA, ROI

The first article in the first issue of The Artist in March 1931 by Dorothea Sharpe on oil painting. Dorothea produced six articles for the magazine in 1931, the first three in March, April and May and continuing in October, November and…

Focus and Rhythm - Oil Paintings by Frances Bell

Frances Bell’s oil paintings, often inspired by the quality of the light, demonstrate perception, observation and sound technique, as Oliver Lange observes

Learning to Paint with Diana Armfield

The first in a twelve-part series on learning to paint written by Diana Armfield for Leisure Painter in 1980. Part 1: Introduction to the painter’s development

The Joys of a Field-Based Painter - Wildlife Art

Naturalist and watercolourist Darren Woodhead works direct from life. Here he describes the challenges and the joys of being a field-based painter.

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