Prominent Scottish painter exhibits in Devon this September

Hang on Studio Wall

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Prominent Scottish painter exhibits in Devon this September

Scottish artist Charles Jamieson is preparing for a major solo exhibition at the Brownston Gallery in Modbury, South Devon from September 10 onwards.

Scottish artist Charles Jamieson is preparing for a major solo exhibition at the Brownston Gallery in Modbury, South Devon from September 10 onwards. “I've been down in Devon doing preparatory work and am now back in the studio,” says Charles from Ayrshire. “I am currently putting the finishing touches to paintings and having the last ones's all go. There will be about 20 in the exhibition. “After that I have the annual Group 13 Artist's exhibition, which this year is in the Smithy Gallery outside Glasgow. “Following this I'm going to be working towards a solo show with the Stafford Gallery at Wimbledon Fine Art in the autumn of 2016. I need a lot of new paintings so I'm off to Italy in July to draw.” Image: Yellow Field, Bigbury....25x25 inches......oil on linen

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