June 2019 art holiday in France with Robert Dutton (regular contributor to The Artist)

Hang on Studio Wall

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June 2019 art holiday in France with Robert Dutton (regular contributor to The Artist)

Delighted to be invited by hosts Mike and Sara Peel to teach in Essenac - a beautiful region of South West France between The Dordogne and Charente with 'Shades of France'. Their home and your studio in Essenac, a 18th Century farmhouse which offers you a unique mix of relaxed practical creative experiences with that 'get away from it all' feel to your holiday, balances creative development in a truly relaxed holiday environment in a beautiful rural region of France.

Robert Dutton will take you on rewarding outdoor painting experiences (weather permitting) each and every day (personal transport provided by Mike and Sara) to inspirational locations, maximising exploration of this beautiful region to the full!

Provided is good French/English home cooking cooking, an acre of lovely grounds to explore, salt water swimming pool and gymnasium on site for the more energetic, relaxing evenings in good company at the end of your rewarding painting day.

Painting media is your choice - your chance to put everything you've read in The Artist into action for yourself!

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Non painting partners welcome.

Your seven day painting holiday is £975 per painter and £695 for non painter guest.

The course almost full already so ... if you're going to come best to pick up the phone and reserve your places!

For more info. visit http://rdcreative.co.uk/art-holidays/june-2019-new-mixed-media-painting-holiday-in-south-west-france or www.shades-of-france.com


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