Five days fun painting at Cober Hill, Scarborough
Join artists Tony & Eileen Hogan and enjoy capturing the wonderful views of Scarborough and the north Yorkshire moors

Really looking forward to returning to Scarborough the area we lived and painted for 23 years for our first ever course at the COBER HILL hotel. From 4th to 8th July professional artists and tutors Tony & Eileen will run a course for all levels at the Cober Hill Hotel near Scarborough. This is the first time they have used this known established art location. The week will focus on painting the amazing views in and around Scarborough En-Plein Air. With a large well list studio available if the weather should become inclement. Tony will give demonstrations and critiques as part of the course whilst both he and Eileen will be alongside you when painting to guide and help as required. All media are welcome. Transport to the careful selected locations is provided as is all meals and en suite accommodation.
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