Fire and Water - an exhibition of works at The Old Fire Station, Tonbridge

Hang on Studio Wall

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Fire and Water - an exhibition of works at The Old Fire Station, Tonbridge

Exhibition of paintings and sculptures by local and international artists at The Old Fire Station, Tonbridge, 25 - 26 November.

Fire and Water - an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by local and international artists, takes place at The Old Fire Station, Castle Street, Tonbridge, TN91BQ from 6pm – 9 pm on Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th November.

This will be the first pop up art exhibition at The Old Fire Station and will reflect the history and purpose of the building, as well as being a very contemporary arts project.

Exhibition curator, Guy Portelli, says: 'I have invited many of my favourite artists to participate in this launch. This iconic building has the potential to be the most exciting arts venue in the area, and we are putting a programme of exhibitions together for next year to reflect this'

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