D-Day 80

Hang on Studio Wall

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D-Day 80

June 6th 2024 sees the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy. Take a look into the world of art in 1944 with a scanned issue of The Artist.


As we recall the D-Day Landings in Normandy we share this scanned copy of the September 1944 issue of The Artist as a glimpse into the art world during this period.


This historic magazine looks at:

Content continues after advertisements
  • Colour: Its application to oil painting
  • The expression of an artist's impression
  • The durability of pictures
  • The work of A. Egerton Cooper RBA
  • Commercial art
  • Designing for the stage
  • Etching
  • Landscape drawing
  • And more

Trawlers Leaving Harbour

Trawlers Leaving Harbour by Henry G. Cogle from an article in the magazine.

Please note that this PDF should not be shared, reproduced or sold.


Thank you for sharing this. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it cover to cover and found it fascinating especially the criticisms’. I had no idea that the artist magazine had been running for so many years and incredible that it kept going during the war