Cornish artist gets through first round of RA Summer Show
A Cornish artist has made it through the first round of selection for the prestigious Royal Academy Summer Show.

The painting is Winter Sunshine by Gordon Hunt from Fowey. He says: “The first round was online because of the numbers of applicants. I have now had to send the original off for the final selection. It is an achievement to get through the first round, being selected out of the many thousands who applied.” He adds: Looking out to sea from the hill above Fowey estuary. Storm clouds gather, shafts of sunlight lance through the clouds giving stripes of sparkling light on the cold grey sea. The fishermen are on the way home, preparing the fish for market, as they go. The seagulls gather to feast on the discarded pieces of fish thrown overboard. Working from my studio in Fowey, I describe my paintings as ‘painting the light’. I feel the light becomes the subject of the painting. Hints of colour resonate around the sparkling light reflected from the water.”
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