Cruggleton and the Neeps

2024 Cruggleton Castle 2

Nicely done Willie, like the dark sky.

Don’t get fed up Willie when there is so much art to do. Super senses of structure in this piece with the lines guiding you through the composition and the foreground holding one’s attention before leading you through the picture.

Lovely pastoral painting with the castle too!

You’ve made a great decision painting the ruins from this distance Willie……it’s imposing and sets the scale of the surrounding landscape. I made the mistake of painting it from the next field, where I was closer and lower, I didn’t get the same effect. It’s fabulous.

Thanks Stephen, Angela and Spencer appreciate your comments. Thanks for the encouragement John. I'd be interested to view your take on this scene Fiona. Thanks.

Like it Willie

Hi Willie, the sketch I did can be seen in the portfolio 2013 Trials & Errors, page 2. Can’t believe it’s 10 years ago that I did it!

A really well balanced composition and very well painted.

Thanks for the link Fiona. I had a lovely scout around 2013. What a fabulous years work! There's nothing more spontaneous than sketching outdoors! and yours is a clear, lively expression that gives a sense of the remoteness of the place. It was a joy to see, thanks you.

Thank you Heather and Scott for your comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

Walking from Garlieston to the Fragments that are Cruggleton Castle the cliff path diverts into a field of neeps (turnips). Then a surprising and great view opens up but I had no sketch pad awith me -so fed up with myself. So this oil is based on a few snaps on the phone.

About the Artist
Willie Drea

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