Winter Scene II

Winter Scene II

We did get stuck in the car coming back yesterday from Scotland but apart from that it's sunny and bright here and milder today. This painting really conveys the cold Willie.

Beautiful snowy scene Willie, I'm glad we haven't had any of the white stuff yet!

Another super winter scene Willie, this looks incredibly cold.

Another superb snow scene , a hint of Monets views of argentuile, without the buildings. A lovely painting Willie.

This is a really interesting snow scene

Great piece Willie. Tones and perspective are brilliant.

The effect and atmosphere is spot on.

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to comment, much appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

Prompted by the recent heavy snow around here this is a version of the sketch posted ealier in the week. 30cmx24cm on canvas board this time.

About the Artist
Willie Drea

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