Portrait of a Pensive Man

Portrait of a Pensive Man

Lovely portrait, Willie, well done.

Very good Willie, I like it.

I think this is very good. You have captured a great expression. I also like the way you have applied the paint.

You have caught something there Willie.

Like something about this ,a portrait that's left me pondering.

You do a great portrait Willie. The nature and characteristics of a pondering man.

Thank you everyone for your kind remarks. So many portraits posted recently I felt a bit left behind.

Smashing work and attempt Willie. I think the hand could be stronger in tone to bring it further forward but could I do this? NO!

Thanks Dennis, appreciated. Its depressing when you doubt an aspect of your work and then someone comes along and nails the glaring weakness. You've got a sharp eye Derek but thanks it needed saying.

It's a very good effort Willie. There's some lovely brushwork in this piece and it's very expressive.

Hang on Studio Wall

I don't do portraits but I tried this oil based on a watercolour demo in The Artist some time ago by Gerald Green.

About the Artist
Willie Drea

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