Turned out nice today…


Wow! That is superb Vicky. The rolling waves are beautifully painted.

Fab painting Vicky, lovely rocks and waves.

This works really well Vicky.

Excellent work

Love those rolling waves with all their powerful strength Vicky.

I really like the contrast between the heavy solid rocks against the splattering movement of the waves.

This is lovely Vicky. I especially like the rocks in the foreground but all of it is well painted.

Great movement nad rocks. Also love the colour palette

Love it and that surf is the business!

Strong work Vicky

Hang on Studio Wall

LP Project: watercolour using credit card for rocks, white neat gouache on my finger for the waves and a bit of black ink fine liner on the rocks.

About the Artist
Vicky Rosenthal

Although I went to art college in my teens it would be a good many years before I had the time to start painting again and of course things had changed a lot in that time. I mostly taught myself watercolour from books and demonstrations and have since gone on many courses. My first love is…

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