Titchy Titian (End of the first series)

Small scale version of Titians Bacchus and Ariadne in oil on MDF board 43x40cm I feel I really know the painting now, and how the composition works. There are some fantastic plays between light and dark and the distancing of objects. I'm much happier with the way I mix oil colours, I only used eight colours in the whole picture, white, burnt umber, ultramarine, geranium, chrome orange, lemon yellow, veridian, and a smidgeon of black when I could quite get it dark enough.
About the Artist
Justin Twigg
Now living the dream, cycling, painting and playing music as much as my side hustles will allow. Recently I’ve been teaching both A and O level Art and Photography at a local college two days a week, which has been a lot of fun, and I’ve learned a thing or two myself. justintwigg.com
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