Towards Sandwich - Winter

Towards Sandwich - Winter

Lovely soft expressive work, Tony

I like this, Tony. The brush work is almost ‘Van Goghish’.

Thanks Thalia and Seth. Thought I would try something a little different. One brush (No 6 Filbert, 1 cm), 2 blues, Yellow Ochre and white.

Interesting, Tony. I often use just one brush, and only take off some of the paint between colour changes...sometimes it works...sometimes it's a simple mess!!! This morning I used one brush and only two colours plus white. I love experimenting!!! Do show us some more of your work, Love it!

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on canvas textured paper 18 x 24 cm

About the Artist
Tony Auffret

Have been painting on and off, mainly off, for over 40 years. Self taught, apart from a couple of terms of evening class back in the 1980s.

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