Golden Labrador

Golden Labrador

I see the influence of JH in this painting. However, I can also see that you have put your own slant on it which is good as it now becomes your style. Lovely portrait with super use of colours and very nice paint handling.

Gorgeous Sue.

This is again just stunning, Sue. Amazingly painted detail of the dog and I love the fading out... Beautiful!!!

Thank you so much. Lovely comments.

Gorgeous capturing of the Labradors beautiful emotive eyes and nose, lovely washes as well

Hang on Studio Wall

Inspired by Jean Haines.

About the Artist
Sue Bradley

Sue originally worked as a biochemist/microbiologist and then as a primary school teacher. She now devotes as much time as possible to her love of creating art. Sue’s painting journey began as a teenager experimenting with oils and poster paints, having worked in most mediums, her favourite these…

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