

I think you have succeeded, too - lovely soft portrait and the eye is very special. Well done!

It is a beautiful portrait, lovely dog

Lovely work, certainly succeeded.

A lovely portrait and well painted

What a lovely lad he is, soft focused around the edges and clear in the main detail..... a success!

Thank you so much everyone! I enjoyed painting him, he's gorgeous.

You have some fabulous paintings. I especially love your dogs. keep doing them.

A lovely piece, he's gorgeous!

Thank you, Julie and Seok. So encouraging.

Hang on Studio Wall
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I wanted to keep this soft and focus on Charlie's eye.

About the Artist
Sue Bradley

Sue originally worked as a biochemist/microbiologist and then as a primary school teacher. She now devotes as much time as possible to her love of creating art. Sue’s painting journey began as a teenager experimenting with oils and poster paints, having worked in most mediums, her favourite these…

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