Summer Pasture.

Summer Pasture.

Hi Norman English Long-horn or Chillinghams?? rather like this bucolic scene a fine depiction of the cattle. Composition-wise I think you have the cattle looking out of the scene, rather than into it perhaps? They seem to stop the eye wondering around this fine delicate landscape.

Well spotted Phil, they are Chartley cattle from the Chillinghams estate, once known as wild cattle that lived in the ancient forests of this land of ours. I take your point about composition Phil, although I was trying to turn the head towards direct visual contact with the viewer.

Ah Norman well depicted cattle, which for a through to the core townie I know a few ladies of the meadows....

A fine picture , the cattle are superb.

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on canvas board. This is my first attempt at painting cattle.

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Norman Cooper

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