Early snow, Werneth Park.

Early snow, Werneth Park.

Beautiful Stephen with lovely colour

Lovely Stephen, nice shades which gives it a really cold feel

Really lovely Stephen! You work seems to be improving in leaps and bounds!

Many thanks everyone.

Oooo...lovely Stephen.

Many thanks once again Fiona.

Excellent Stephen your work is getting better and better on a daily basis and that's a a beautiful sky and background .... I might borrow the figure and dog ( again ) for later on :)

Many thanks for your encouraging words Dermot. Looking at your lovely wet in wet work has encouraged me to try that style again, I did copy Ron Ranson's style a while back. It is interesting how a small figure in the distance gives a lift to a picture, look forward to seeing more in your work.

Hang on Studio Wall

From a photo I took yesterday, the snow has disappeared now.

About the Artist
Stephen Slater

I am a self taught amateur painter, I mostly paint landscapes in watercolour but I 'dabble' in other mediums from time to time. I really enjoy my art, especially painting outdoors when the weather allows.

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