Wild Forest Roses

Wild Forest Roses

This painting looks so real!

Gorgeous, Skylar

lyn - Your observation is very appreciated. I wanted that effect to come out.

Thalia - Thank you so much!

The flowers glow Skylar, beautiful.

Love the contrast of darks and lights and the delicacy of the blooms Skylar.

What fabulous work Skylar, this painting looks 3D, beautiful!

Margaret - Thank you! I have thought about this image for a while. I painted all day to get those edges, and reflected colors!

They have beautiful softness and kind of a quietness to them!

Jola - Thank you, and again for your view!

Thank you so much, Dawn!

I just thougth it was a photo, Skylar.

Beautiful roses Skylar.

Cesare - Thanks! I think when light and shadow are very defined, it gives the impression of being 3D/ photo-esque. It's funny, I can't see that. I just see places I should improve!

Sandra - Thanks so very much!

Skylar,your truly a gifted artist.

Jim - Wow! Thank you so much! I Often doubt my abilities. Every image I create, I hesitate to share.

Hang on Studio Wall

Wild Roses are Beginning to bloom here. Artrage Oils. Appx 11x17".

About the Artist
Skylar Brown

Life-long artist. Made most of my living that way. Traveled a lot, painting around the world. Everything from graphic Design to commissioned portraits. Movie & TV graphics, Music Video Bkgs, Murals, - You get the gist. Now retired. Still Travel. Paint every day.

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