The Severn at Highley


The result is a delightful painting!!

This has worked really well.

Well rescued. Love the reflections

It has worked out really well Sarah.

wonderful result you've done here! love the reflection of the water surface.

Posted by Tanja G. on Wed 04 Oct 11:17:18

An atmospheric piece, full of immediacy. Lovely work, Sarah.

Well it’s worked Sarah! A delightful painting and you’ve got that cloud spot on-

Thank you much David, Coral, Heather, Martin, David, Tanja, Seok and Rachel.

Whatever you’ve done it’s worked a treat Sarah, a super piece.

Thank you very much for your comments Spencer and Fiona!

You have finished up with a very excellent little painting Sarah.

Oh thank you very much George, thats really kind and very much appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

A watercolour which was going a bit wrong, so I rinsed it under the tap and added watercolour pencil and pen. I also cropped it so it's about 8 x 10 inches .

About the Artist
Sarah Crouch

Hello, I am from South Derbyshire. I always loved drawing as a child but only took it up again a few years ago. I love wildlife, the countryside, history and of course art and painting. I studied Biology but currently work at a local studies library. I am hoping to improve my painting and am glad I…

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