The Cuillin of Skye at sunset

The Cuillin of Skye at sunset

You captured the mountains beautifully!

This painting has a lovely clean, fresh and delicate quality to it - very beautiful colours.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour painting of sunset over the Cuillin of Skye I decided to clear out my art cupboards and found some NOT surface paper, which I've not used for years, decide to go for a loads of washes painting and choose a cheery bright sunset. I think I may have gone OTT with the clouds. Painting Size is 20" x 8".

About the Artist
Sandra Hugill

Hello, I live in The Highlands of Scotland close to Loch Ness (not seen Nessie yet), and love painting the mountain landscape around me. A love I learned from my early life living close to The Lake District

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