Blackrock Cottage, Glencoe

Blackrock Cottage, Glencoe

Lovely work as always Sandra

I agree the format works well, its been a wile since I've been, there those trees are fairly growing.

Posted by K 0 on Sun 09 Feb 17:34:51

I like your format - it does work very well indeed. Lovely painting.

Thanks for the helpful comments, I like this format to, trouble is I can"t find off the shelf frames to fit. Kevin Those trees are growing, my neighbour produced a photo with no trees close to the cottage.

Hang on Studio Wall

Blackrock cottage, Glencoe painted in watercolour and on Saunders High White rough, Size of painting 20"x8". I decided to try this in panoramic format, in the past I've painted this scene in standard square, I think this new format works.

About the Artist
Sandra Hugill

Hello, I live in The Highlands of Scotland close to Loch Ness (not seen Nessie yet), and love painting the mountain landscape around me. A love I learned from my early life living close to The Lake District

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