In the Profane Journey of the Holy Spirit

In the Profane Journey of the Holy Spirit

Terrific Rodrigo. Really captures the feeling of being in the room. I can imagine the window from which the light comes. Great shadow and light work from the sunlight. Really like the painting style.

I agree with Dale, stunning painting Rodrigo

I agree with the above comments. A stunning painting with great composition and play of light and shadow.

I love the light and form in this painting.

Thank you, Dale! Really, inside studios —and inside some houses, as Englishes homes, for instance— we may find, at same time, strong, elegant and misterious subjects. When we look at places where pepole love to inhabit them; we can feel affective energy. This is the salt; even out of order, things seem to be in its right place... In fact, my studios always have been sacred places, special meeting point of me with myself... Welcome, Dale!

Thank you Petra, for your visit! Welcome.

Hi, Jane! Really, for me, painting is exactly light and shadow, the contrast, the point where comes the painting strenght from. The wit :-) Thank you, Jane, once more.

Hi, Sheridan! As I said to Jane, light is very important in painting; to handle lights has been my big investment as research, such as composition too. Actually, painting has several matters we have to work simultaneously: drawing, composition, color, movement; the movement of the composition and the movement of our gesture... Welcome, Sheridan, and my thanks

Agrred, great light and tone in this painting

Yes, Ros! After some past years, I remain looking at this my work as one of the most impressive. Independently of the quality of the painting in itself, there is a sensitive story. It was my first studio.

Hang on Studio Wall

... My first studio, when a providential light was coming from a window and gave me sensation of being a queer and interested visit. This image also is one of which were in my previous portfolio...

About the Artist
Rodrigo Costa

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