

this is a lovely pastel picture. Pastels are incredibly messy. I do not use fixatives anymore when i use pastels, and to store them, i use kitchen paper or sheets of copier paper, but i prefer kitchen paper because they soak up moisture and we get a lot of humidity here; i secure the paper with paperclips, and then can store them in folders happily knowing that my picture is not getting distorted each time i want to take it out and look at it :-) having said that, i have not tried the schmincke 'sansFix pastel boards' which apparently need no fixative unless you have created many layers of pastel. I do not know if that is of any help at all, I really like your artwork.

Thanks Rebecca, You have been very helpful. I have used greaseproof paper inbetween my pastels but find that it slips about so much. I think that I will try kitchen towel as you have recommended it, at least that won't slip about :) Using the Fisher 400 card, I should not have to fix it but , even after a brisk shake and banging it against the house wall it still smudges a bit. I hate to use fixative as it dulls the colours down a bit. Years ago I used to use hairspray to seal them :)

This is a beautiful, colourful sunset, Sarah. I do like it very much.

Lol, I totally get you, Sarah! It's why I stopped messing around with pastels - the cleaning drives me nuts! But that's a nice piece - especially lovely palette.

Mia and Seok, thankyou for your nice comments. I have calmed down now! I think that I will pack my pastels away for a while, until I'm feeling relaxed again :}

Lovely colours, great sky Sarah. I did one or two pastels they are still knocking about under drawing table! I should store them properly. I shall take note on what Rebecca says.

Lovely colours and a beautiful tranquil painting

Carole and Glennis thank you for your lovely comments :)

Hang on Studio Wall

Fisher 400 pastel card used. I love using pastels but what a mess!!!! and so hard to store too without them smudging, and that is also with fixative used .

About the Artist
Sarah Bottjer

I live close to the North Norfolk coast and have painted in many mediums over the years, primarily in watercolours .

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