Hannah and Fudge

Hannah and Fudge

It's photo realism at its best . I personally don't really like photographic pictures but I give ten out of ten for your skill well done.

Lovely work Paul, and I like your view point.

Beautifully evocative...a getting older J R with a lovely grizzled face ( you can tell I have one as well ) Also the look that he is well loved. <br />The look on your daughters face is delightful. I am also not a fan photographic realism , but in this case I really do like it.

Thank you for all your positive comments. It&#39;s the first time that I have published my efforts and am very grateful for such nice comments from other artists. I too, surprisingly, am not a great fan of photographic realism and would love to be a bit more free in my brush strokes. I suppose this will come with experience and confidence.

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil painting for my daughter, Hannah and our Jack Russell called Fudge

About the Artist
Paul Porter

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