baby elf

baby elf

I missed this. What a sweet painting. A lovely idea too.

Great subject matter, i have been a lover of reading the fantasy genre since i was a teenager, from Tolkien to modern writers. You show a great deal of mastery over the acrylic medium too in your soft colour gradiations.

hi Steve, I guess you must realise that I am a science fantasy fan! My favourite author at the moment is Robin Hobb, also LOR fan since a teenager .......and go to see most film in this genre. Pauline

i too love the Robin Hobb series, maybe we should set ourselves a task of painting Fitz Chivalry and nighteyes...... just finished the Tawny man series and need to go out and buy the soldier son books. They are a refreshing change as they are not too fantastical. Took a bit of getting used to the 1st person narrative though

I prefer the live ship books to the soldier books..........maybe take you up on your challenge!

wow this is my the expression and lights..........lovely

thanks for all your kind comments Ruth.....I based this one on my youngest grandson just after he ws born

I love this its beautiful.

Hang on Studio Wall

acrylics on watercolour board

About the Artist
pauline marshall

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