Howden Minster

Howden Minster

If this was an early watercolour of yours you should persevere and do more - this is really accomplished - like it a lot - I look forward to more postings.

Agree with Michael. An early watercolor of this quality is quite superb. I've struggled with the medium for years now. Wish my early paintings turned out this way!

Hang on Studio Wall

I did this painting a few years ago when I first started painting. I used watercolour as many beginners do. It was done mostly outside in my local town as I sat amongst the gravestones in the church yard. At this time I didn't take photos of any paintings. I framed it under glass then much later took a photo. which clearly is not the way to do it! Apologies for the photo quality - I chopped the top of the Minster off on the photo and also got reflection from the glass. I enjoy painting in watercolours most of all, but I get frustrated when things don't go as planned - hence I do more oils now when you can more easily adjust things and paint over past mistakes.

About the Artist
Pat Thompson

I've been painting almost ten years, initially with watercolours, then moving on to oils and other media. I am self taught, though have attended several short painting courses. I paint as a hobby and also belong to 2 art groups in Yorkshire. I exhibit through them and local galleries. I loveā€¦

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