PTG Exercise 2 - Shadows on a Path

PTG Exercise 2 - Shadows on  a Path

A great job done with all the different greens in the foreground grasses and foliage.

I like the perspective from the bottom of the hill Chritine. I feel as if I need to climb it and see what's over the wall. And the use of colour is splendid. I would like to lie down In that meadow and feel the peace and quiet, and the aromas, take over. You're clever!

Hang on Studio Wall

Christine Davies sent in her version of Paul's exercise saying; 'This is not a very good photograph! I was excited at the prospect of doing this painting and loved the subject. Started off with an undercoat of cadmium red but that was soon swallowed up and is not evident at all now. Did it give me a sense of excitement though? I think so. The painting is in oils - it's what I do - and I chose to do it big - 30 inches by 30. For the first time in a long time I became totally immersed in the subject and loved the finished result. Initially the grass looked too bushy but I just kept working on it and I think it now really does look like grass. My initial thoughts had been to use an unusual palette - purples and crimsons perhaps but they just didn't appeal once I started. I am very happy with the result and love the composition and think this is such a clever format. Thank you!'

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