Houses near my home.

Houses near my home.

Another masterpiece, Oskar. Your paintings just sing with LIGHT!

Posted by Ann Cook on Sun 01 Apr 11:54:09

Almost monochrome, but the red roofs just lift it into another sphere (specifically, the way they're painted). Ann is quite right - you are the master of light.

Light and expressive. I agee with Robert that the red roofs are just the right tone.

Yet another super painting

Just beautiful. The light and shadows are wondefully done.

Wonderful painting Oskar. Caught the sunlight a treat. What a lovely place to live.

Another lovely loose painting, Oskar, beautifully executed - and what a lovely way to see your country's architecture!

Beautiful painting Oskar, I agree with Jeanette it is a lovely way to see your country's architecture.

I like soft edges like this. It has really atmosphere, Oskar.

I love this Oskar, beautiful.

Love the light and shadows on here.

Thank you all for your comments. Óskar

A beautiful and expressive watercolour, just oozing with life and light! Fantasic stuff!! Best regards

Lovely indication of the house styles in Iceland from your work Oskar, your paintings are like little travel brochures, really good

You have the most impressive watercolour gallery that I've visited so far. I really would like to paint like you. Great lose technique, just love it! Keep posting please!

Hang on Studio Wall

1/4 sheet in size

About the Artist
Óskar Thorarensen

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