V Dub


Excellent artwork Helen ☺️

Yes excellent work Helen, and a van with a face!

Great reflections on the bodywork, Helen.

Good one Helen

Very good. Normally car pictures leave me cold, but I love the textures in this and the use of the brown paper just means the highlights like the bumper really pop.

You have painted this terrifically well Helen. Incredible work with pencils, especially the textures and reflections.

Really like this, the coloured paper makes it work so well, I think.

This is really great Helen. I like how you’ve done the reflections on the paintwork.

Nicely done.

Thank you everyone.

Hang on Studio Wall

Water soluble pencils (used dry), on pastel paper. Photo ref unsplash. Part of my local art group project on cars… My dad used to drive one of these and every school holiday we all squished into it (family of 6) and went camping.

About the Artist
Helen Martell

I've been painting (acrylics) since about 2010, after going on a painting day with my mother. I guess I've always been creative (it's in the family genes), not always with paint. Over the decade it started mainly with pet portraits, as word got around my workplace that my stuff wasn't too bad.. and…

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