Daffodils & Hellebores


Lovely still life, Mo.

Agree with Shirley, this is lovely.

Great expressive still life Mo.

Super work - really like how you apply paint

Love this style of painting, really like this Mo.

Exceptional work Mo and gallery beyond words

Hang on Studio Wall

Today's painting for the #stradaeasel challenge was a simple set up of flowers. Well, when I say simple, I wasn't counting the silver jug.I have been aiming to push myself this month, not just by painting every day but also stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm posting my daily paintings on Instagram (mo_teeuw)

About the Artist
Mo Teeuw Iea Eagma

Professional artist and experienced tutor; Mo works mostly plein air and prefers to use oils. Runs workshops and demonstrates to local art groups;has tutored art holidays in France, Mallorca, Spain & Morocco. Full member of IEA (Institute of East Anglian Artists) and EAGMA (East Anglian Group of…

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