

Beautiful painting

This is really good Mo in every way

Beautiful painting, Mo

This really caught my eye - you have captured the blooms beautifully.

Delightful painting with a calming palette.

Love the way you have painted the flowers. Beautiful.

Superb piece Mo, I especially love the water in the vase.

Wonderful colours in this beautiful piece.

Hang on Studio Wall

Inspired by the wonderful blooms in the garden, I had to bring some in to paint them. Really enjoyed the challenge. I am now working on a series of them

About the Artist
Mo Teeuw Iea Eagma

Professional artist and experienced tutor; Mo works mostly plein air and prefers to use oils. Runs workshops and demonstrates to local art groups;has tutored art holidays in France, Mallorca, Spain & Morocco. Full member of IEA (Institute of East Anglian Artists) and EAGMA (East Anglian Group of…

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