Leicestershire Villages - Arnesby

Leicestershire Villages - Arnesby

Love that warm ochre colour and the thatched roof. Great perspective Michael.

Yes the thatched roof come across really well.

Super piece, Michael. Love the rich warm tones against the cool blue-grays of the foliage and roofs.

Yes, I like it Michael :) especially the thatched roof.

Nice and loose Michael, well done ! And the perspective is spot on. I also have builders in (they've been there for the last three months) and I can completely sympathize with your frustration, Tomorrow is their last day, I'm so looking forward to reclaiming my privacy and being able to paint in peace without being disturbed every five minutes or so ! Good luck with the last bits in your house.

Wondered where you had got to Michael. Another nice one for your collection. ? would the bole and main branches in the left hand tree be helped by tapering and fading them out. Maybe not but just how I see it.

You've been missed Michael! Good fresh watercolour here!

You always make the villages you paint seem so attractive - you must be putting the house prices up in them!! Lovely clean and fresh watercolour.

Your village scenes are lovely Michael, I particularly like that notice board you can almost read the notices!

Great picture Michael, I love how freely this is painted, very fluid and vibrant, wonderful.

I'm happy to testify as to how good this is, as it is only a couple of miles up the road from me. The Cock Inn was my regular haunt, with live bands, until it was sold off as an Indian restaurant. The artist Peter Welton has his studio in Arnesby, which is well worth a visit. Nice work Michael.

You certainly haven't lost your touch in your absense Michael. Love the thatched cottage.

yes another cracker to add to your series.

Really appreciate all this encouragement - thanks to you all - off to the SAA offices in Newark today to have a look round - will report back via the forum.

Tony - yes I know Peter Welton quite well - last saw him in the autumn always felt a bit awkward about painting his home village given that he is such a great painter himself.

Great watercolour Michael, love the colours.

Nice fresh watercolour, Michael. I particularly like the village noticeboard! Perhaps the tree foliage on the left could do with a bit of a mixture of soft and harder edges? I know it's in the background but it looks a bit misty to me, where the rest of the scene is quite crisp. Just my thoughts. Having recently recovered from 2 months of building work (which ended in November) myself I too sympathise. I couldn't paint at all and missed it badly.

Beautiful work Michael! A lovely looking happy village again.

Just got back from a visit to the SAA offices and warehouse and am quite taken aback at the number of generous comments and suggestions - thanks all.

Yes, another "Gud 'un" Michael. I think you should put all these village views in a book - it would sell like hot cakes!

Hang on Studio Wall

Been busy lately with builders inhabiting the house but nearly finished now - as a result not much opportunity to paint but getting back into the swing of things and here's the first for a while. Another of the local villages. Hope you like it.

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Michael Edwards

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