young man

i was very impressed with a lovely portrait i saw in this gallery earlier today, and the experience prompted me to do in painting what im most passionate about, which is ofcourse painting the human figure. its a very strenuous thing to do depending on how much realism you want to put into the finished product. this is a quite melancholy image i think but has an inner light. i must practise practise practise and who knows where this might lead? my favourite artists belong to the high renaissance actually and though turner is a great influence on my work i have always preferred the sublime madonnas of raphael.
About the Artist
Michael Hanrahan
I love art but it's very much up and down as I go about my day to day life as a painter and often I really struggle to paint therefore I fall out with it. You're only as good as your last painting as they say. My greatest love is music and I prefer to write classical music for orchestra than paint…
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