Now compared to then

Now compared to then

Three hours wow love the work Marjorie expert light

This is really lovely, Marjorie. I love the muted and harmonious palette, and how you captured the textures of the flowers, the fruits and the dish. You've certainly progressed, but then, your original piece wasn't bad to start with.

A good exercise and three hours is very good for this...the off set angle makes a difference and soft pastels, if that's what these are, fun to use. Have tried it once but forgot the golden rule...don't inhale!

Thank you Seok and Roger

Hang on Studio Wall
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Done in about 3 hours this afternoon. It's a little "stiff" because I haven't used pastels for ages. Tackled a completely different way and using Unison and Sennelier. Not great but an improvement on the first I hope.

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy, am self-taught and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite. I enjoy the challenge of entering the monthly POL competitions and have exhibited 5 times…

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