"The brassica paddock and the ubiquitous montbretia " mixed media

"The brassica paddock and the ubiquitous montbretia " mixed media

This is lovely Mike. Really like the colours, especially the "noxious" montbretias!

thanks Sandra. Took the train from Auckland to Palmerston - second time in 50+ years. Spent a good six of the eight hour trip in the observation coach with my camera. Had fun ,

Hang on Studio Wall

Montbretias are almost a noxious weed - excess bulbs have been "dumped" on wayside verges and it is surprising where one sees them. These were viewed growing by the side of the rail tracks

About the Artist
Mike Capenerhurst

Born & lived in Leicester for 30 years before coming to NZ in 1965 with wife and family. Dropped art at school for more "useful" subjects. Interest resurrected upon arriving out here. Started with oils, moved to water colour some 20 years ago.. Have played with etching and like it. Primarily self…

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