Distant rain shower

Distant rain shower

I think you've managed to capture the scene very well, with a good strong composition. Lovely colours too, particularly the subtle pinkish greys in the foreground contrasting with the deep pthalo blue shadows on the mountains.

Thank you Colin for such a lovely and considered critique - I really appreciate it

Lovely painting Lynne! Those acrylic inks have such strength and they are fun to work with.

Thank you Satu - I agree acrylic inks are fun !- I'm just discovering the many different ways they can be applied

Super use of colour to show the shapes of the mountains. Really attractive painting.

Thank you Thea - I usually work with watercolours but find acrylic inks have similar properties but perhaps less translucency

Hang on Studio Wall

I hope I've managed to capture that rain shower on the the distant sea ( acrylic inks)

About the Artist
lynne whitfield

I am a self taught artist who only took up painting after retiring from a busy nursing career. Since that time art and painting has become a passion for me. I enjoy all media but particularly love the magic of wet in wet watercolour techniques. I have recently started to explore the versatility of…

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