Doggie Bag

Doggie Bag

Great drawing, Lynne - what a cute dog! And I like your title :-)

Thank you Jan for your kind words; I can’t take the credit for the title - my friend came up with it!

Thank you again Margaret!

Very nice pencil work Lynne, you have done well to create and highlight the whiskers on the dog. Not easy. Well done.

Fantastic drawing of this gorgeous dog , such a beautiful expression of its features, fur and paws, nice detail and tones reached in this composition! Well presented Lynne ,and the attention upon detail ie the buckle and label on the satchel with folds turned out fabulous!

Beautiful drawing so cute.

Thank you, all, for the lovely comments! It’s very encouraging.

Fabulous drawing

Hang on Studio Wall

Pencil and graphite drawing on 200gsm drawing paper

About the Artist
lynne Reeves

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