

Great design and lovely colours. A strong painting with loads of impact. P.S. I have noticed a few comments you have made regarding photographs on the site. When I first joined the site, photographs were mentioned as being legitimate art to display. The POL team have, over time, altered the intro bit on the gallery home page and are not now specifically defining exactly what mediums people can post. I think most people who have been on the site for a few years know that photos are acceptable, although not many photographers do display their work here, which is probably why the POL team intervened and asked that lady to re-post her photos. I do think that this whole site works on tolerance and a 'room for all' basis. I use watercolour myself, but I feel I can learn from those who use many other mediums, including photography. I just thought I would mention this as some people who have joined POL more recently may not know about the inclusion of photography. Regards, Thea.

Thea, thank you for the information. I take on board what you say but I still dont feel that this is the appropriate place for photos. However, I will be more tolerant and accept the facts as they are ! Thanks for taking the time. Louise

Another lovely painting \louise. Please let us see more of this style Jx

Louise - there are quite a few things on the gallery site that have caused issues in the past. Things like people posting big numbers of paintings on the same day, etc. There will be people who wish to keep anything that isn't strictly painting off the site, so those doing pottery, sculpture, etc have faced criticism in the past. However, they form such a small proportion of the postings that it doesn't really impact on the site. Now If people were to get more proactive about multiple postings now - well that would be progress! It is so disappointing to post a painting and then have someone post 20 or 30 paintings straight after yours and you then find yours relegated to page 12 or something, which doesn't allow it full exposure to gain comments. This has been a running sore of the gallery for quite a considerable time. Merely having a very small number of photos on the site palls into insignificance against that irritation. POL aren't always that clear about things and, as I said, they seem to have cut down the information front page, leaving a lot out, which must confuse people. It is just their way I suppose. Best wishes, Thea

Thea. You're right, absolutely agree with you about multiple postings. Perhaps people new to the site don't realise the irritation that they cause but when they keep doing it it's pretty annoying !! Although they're aren't many, I still feel that this isn't the appropriate place for photographs, I mean what' s to stop me posting my holiday snaps and calling them art ? It's given us something to discuss though on a wet Saturday morning ! Kind regards Louise

You wouldn't want to see my holiday snaps - definitely not art!! There was a lady a while back who posted all her daughter's wedding photos on the site and there was a bit of a hoo-ha about that and rightly so. I think if photos are posted on the site, they have to be a serious attempt to take an artistic photo. My husband is a very talented landscape photographers and has won several competitions. Some of his photos look just like paintings to me - so it sort of crosses over. A lot of his are definitely 'art' as that what he sets out to achieve. There was quite an outcry about digital art about 18 months ago, but the members seem to have got used to it now and no-one adversely comments. There is someone called Skylar who does a lot of digital art and some of it is excellent. I personally don't care for very representational or photographic paintings and much prefer a painting to be impressionistic or at the very least a personal interpretation of the subject painting with a degree of emotion about the subject. Others would totally disagree with me and probably call my paintings messy or too colourful. Ain't the diversity of life fascinating and you meet a lot of it on POL!

Thanks so much for your comments on my Lunar New Year card. Concerning the issue of multiple simultaneous postings, I was for a while upset by the inability to retrieve and view the paintings of artists I want to follow. For example, when travelling, I do not always have access to high speed internet connections, so sometimes it takes me forever to comb through all the recent postings to find works of particular artists. I recognized that low connection speeds are not caused by this website or multiple postings to it, so I resolved to search for specific artists. The disadvantage of this approach is that I do not always remember exact spellings of names. Lately, I have thought of an alternative approach: whenever any of us posts a new work, then that artist might also post an “invitation to view”, with a link to the new work, on the General Discussion – Exhibitions, Competitions & Your Work forum. In that way, people who want to follow your work can instantly access it and give comments.

I am sorry you are thinking of taking a rest from the site Louise I shall miss your postings if you do, I like you do not believe in any kind of photography on this site , but didn't know it was allowed by POL, there are lots of places that photographers can display their art but not many for amateurs and leisure painters and I might add sculptors( as I love that medium too) as for multiple postings it could so easily be fixed by some guidlines set for new and old members by POL, I see no good reason why a limit can't be put on of maybe 3 postings per day. I really hope you will keep posting.

These latest works are wonderfull- I really love your style and hope you don't rest for too long.. your work is too good not to be seen.Any exhibitions planned ? I agree with you about the photos...Being a comparative newcomer to this site I understood it was all about PAINTED art.. not photogrphy, which is well catered for in other sites. All the best- Vivien. x

Your design and composition are brilliant - please dont stop posting, I started posting years ago and then stopped as there was a lot of aggro on the forums for a while but I missed so many lovely work like yours, will save your gallery under favourites

Your work remains consistantly good... Louise. Your style is wonderfully vibrant ..love your use of colour.

Hang on Studio Wall


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Louise Naimian

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