

So cute lovely picture

That look says it all

Oh Lisa, he's so cute!

Thank you Ruth, Peter and Fiona. Fiona, he looks cute but he&#39;s full of mischief, getting better though!<br />Happy Xmas to you all

Lovely portrayal .well painted Happy Christmas

What a beautifully painted dog and that gaze is marvellous , the couple will be thrilled with this superb gift .... Have a great Christmas

He is soo beautiful Lisa!

This is such a nice painting Lisa, you have captured that certain appealing look that all dogs have, especially when they want something .

Thank you Dennis, Graham, Carole and Dermot, Happy Xmas to you all x

He&#39;s lovely. Well done. There&#39;s a cruel joke about bulldogs, which you will know to be inaccurate: some say that the bulldog is the one to get if you want a dog that doesn&#39;t miss you when you go out - because it&#39;ll take him so long to realize you have that he&#39;ll just be overjoyed to see you when you come back: the suggestion being that they&#39;re not very bright. All right, they&#39;re not going to be great police dogs, but even so - they&#39;re not daft.

I just love the look on his face, dogs are great we look after my stepdaughters Pomeranian , his jet black and we can&#39;t see his eyes so it is difficult to get a photo to do any art work with.. <br /><br />Great piece of work Lisa...

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on canvas 16"x16" Xmas present just finished for Stepson and his girlfriend of their pride and joy, Biggy! Only had him since August this year as a puppy, he's a bundle of mischief!

About the Artist
Lisa Shearing

I have always loved to draw and paint from very young. I have mainly used acrylics but love to try something new. I learn techniques from art books and magazines. I love exploring new places, am inspired by colour - I love Mediterranean scenes. However I have more recently been painting pet…

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