Self portrait (1)


The remarks in your description are so true, Julie. If this is your first portrait it's great...well, it's great anyway, first or not.

Excellent Julie, you're right about the detail. For me, if the lips aren't right then everything falls apart (or perhaps that's my old age!)

Well done, Julie - especially if it is your first portrait!

Thanks all, really appreciate your comments and encouragement. Yes, first portrait, from 2 weekends ago. In the end i resorted to a blurred version of pointilism in an effort to try to control the marks i was making because every mark seemed to make such a huge difference. This is what comes from binge watching too many re-runs of Portrait Artist of the Year!

Like your treatment of light on a dark background. Very effective Julie and the necklace with the stone really glows.

Hang on Studio Wall

I decided that i would attempt to practice portraits- this is the first time I've tried one. Amazed at how the tiniest changes make the likeness come and go and come back again. Pastel on card 30 x 30 cm

About the Artist
Julie Wilson

Self taught artist. Particular interest in landscapes around Co Down and animals.

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