Hughie - the image of a man who appeared to a medium

Hughie - the image of a man who appeared to a medium

I forgot to say, Hughie McManus was the one and only McManus male who had legs like a woman. That's scary too.

Great image Michael you are well looked after

Thanks Dennis. He's doing nothing for my knees and hips, prostate cancer, skin cancer, leukemia and heart disease. But what a great man he was. He travelled from the USA to Canada in 1914 to join the Canadian Mounted Rifles. He spent 'all' the First World War in the trenches, wounded twice, assaulted a comrade, was insubordinate to an officer etc. etc. A true McManus. He could quite well be looking after me.

I love the stories connected to your paintings Michael, you should write a book! He does have a nice pair of legs!

Thanks Margaret. Because of the legs there is some doubt in the family about his true father lol. no, definately a Mac. Apparently, when he came back to visit Durham the kids loved him as he always showered them with sweets. He had a very good pension from the Canadian Government. The Canadians seemed to look after their soldiers better than we did.

Now Mick, I hope you're not expecting me to believe all this blarney about Hughie, because if your sketch is accurate, his legs are nothing like a woman's! lol I can see the resemblance, it must be the beard. Great tale again Mick, Margaret is right you should get that book started.

No not dead Michael, but in two different states of consciousness. All that mediums do is catch an atmosphere of thought, and it here not over there, so to speak.

Thanks Fiona, Kirstie and John. You're right Fiona, I'd never noticed how alike me and Hughie are. Then it is true John. Thanks Hughie.

He passed on his strength Michael my prayers are with you and best wishes

Thanks for your kindness Dennis.

Personally, I think he is a pigment of your imagination. Mediums say what you want to hear in order to take your money. One school of thought claims that Houdini lost his life by challenging the media of his age and showing all the tricks that they used. But if you enjoy it why not?

I'm just a very simple soul Linda and it cost nothing. It's 'figment' of the imagination by the way, pigment relates to colour. Thanks for authorising my enjoyment.

I enjoy your work and your anecdotes. Someone mentioned something about devising a book ...?

Thanks Gudrun. I will consider your idea of a book.

You are ok with him behind you Michael! Woman's legs or not.

Thank's Carole. I hope so.

Fantastic story and i cant resist adding that on one occasion ( in my work as a medium) a young lady contacted me to tell me she was very afraid for her house was haunted. To make a long story short, i visited and found that it was just gran making herself known for she was worried that her grandaughter was about to make a terribly wrong decision. I would love to explain it to you but this is not the place, suffice to know that the spirit world is around and about us and operates on a higher vibrational/energy level and the folks can visit us when they feel the need.

Thanks for sharing that Anne. I've probably been more interested in my ancestors than my living family at times and the want to know more about them has taken up a good part of my time. There are some fascinating characters who I would love to ask questions directly about moments in history. I am, however, quite skeptical about spirituality in the sense that someone can be in contact with the dead on our behalf. Yet I must admit to being inquisitive about such things. And I find it more likely than the notion that there is a great maker in the sky who will save us all from damnation if we believe in him. So, I will always listen and respect accordingly. I hope you are feeling better soon and can get back to work again Anne. I like your work on the gallery.

Thanks Michael, and I am so glad that at least you have an open and enquiring mind, that is by far the best way to be.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pastel. I was at a spiritualist meeting in Durham when the medium stood in front of me and said she was with an old man who was wearing a kilt and she could see he was next to a croft in the highlands of Scotland. The man wanted me to know that that he was with me all the time and was looking after me. This man could only have been my dad's uncle Hughie who, after retiring from the Canadian Army after the First World War, bought a croft in the highlands, where he eventually died. Creepy. I'm not certain how a dead person can look after you.

About the Artist
Michael Mcmanus

I was born in 1946. In the 1960s and part of the 70s I was an airman in the Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm. I joined Durham Constabulary in 1971. In 1999 I retired from policing and began teaching sociology and criminology at Durham University with emphasis on policing and researching crime. I am drawn…

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