African Wild Dog Pair - Before the Storm.

African Wild Dog Pair - Before the Storm.

Like this one too Kevin. Really like the colour palette.

Much appreciated, positive comment always makes one feel good!

Indeed they do - and thanks for your nice comments too on my gallery.

Do like the unusual stormy background against the dogs and the way the dogs look nervous anticipating bad weather. There is a passion in your painting which is almost tangible. Love it.

Thanks Carole - observations like your's go a long way to making an amateur artist gain in confidence.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is my first attempt at painting with oils, and because we live on a boat where space is at a premium, I opted to use Winsor & Newton Artisan water mixable colour. This to try and avoid irritants by way of vapour from turps etc. As a Zimbabwean (resident in the UK since 2015), I guess it's natural that I'm drawn to wildlife art. Environmental exposure too, has a lot to do with it and from early boyhood my life has always been spent in southern Africa's great outdoors. Hopefully, and as my journey using oils continues, my art will now start to develop. There is still a bit of work to do on this painting, and particularly so around the dogs muzzles.

About the Artist
Kevin Thomas

Zimbabwean born (1950) my entire working career has been in the Southern African wildlife field. Art has always been an exceedingly important part of my life, although the 1960s British colonial schooling system in the then Rhodesia (pre-Zimbabwe), had it that if you weren't good at maths you'd be…

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