Rainy Manchester Street Scene

Rainy Manchester Street Scene

Great depth in these watercolour paints joseph, it is a delightful scene

Thanks Ros. My camera's flash doesn't work and my room is quite dark so it's not the best of photographs but I'm glad you like it.

Lovely painting. I like the 'block' brushmarks in the colourful reflections.

A familiar (wet) scene for me Joseph! Looks really good, it's a pity it's so dark, perhaps you could try photographing near the window?

Actually I have just zoomed into the image and things look much clearer, I like the rich, strong and yet clean colours you produce, not easy with watercolour. The figures are good too, with lots of movement in them.

A familiar scene for me as well but we have blue skies here today for a change! This is very good Joseph. Good, strong colour, a wet shiney pavement and three perfectly positioned wet looking umbrellas!

Skilled and accomplished painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

Manchester street scene on a rainy day

About the Artist
Joseph Broderick

Hello My name is Joseph Broderick. I was born in Ravensthorpe in 1969 in West Yorkshire and currently live in Mirfield also in West Yorkshire. I studied art and design at Dewsbury College and then completed a Fine Art Degree at Cardiff studying performance art. I have exhibited performance works…

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