Model 2


Super good and I'm with you on the g&t!

Cheers 🍻🥂 Heather 😊

Great portraits John, I am drawn to this one as the sitter has an A-ha look about him. Maybe it's because of all your Norway paintings! That dates me too I am afraid!

You just made me laugh Sarah, he does remind me of the Aha dude... and yes, that Norway connection sneaks in somehow :)

I admire the skill of anyone who can paint a portrait, whether it has a likeness or not. I tried a self portrait once….absolutely hopeless! I think this is terrific John.

Very nice indeed

Hang on Studio Wall

Another older painting, a great sitter and interesting shape. I really like portrait painting, it's extremely challenging for me and I need more than one sitting to complete plus a large gin and tonic when I'm finished :)

About the Artist
John O’Neill

Born in Belfast in 1966 and a lifelong painter. A resident of Stavanger Norway between 2018 and 2021 with a UK base near Reading England and in Aberdeen, Scotland. Most recent work is Scottish landscape, urban scenes and contemporary Norwegian landscape, often working in oils or gouache, line &…

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