

One of your best Jenny - really love this one

I agree with Michael this is lovely, the book page makes a lovely foil for the Robin.

Love the concept of this Jenny, and beautiful plump Robin.

I agree with Michael and the others, Jenny, this is really perfect! Well done!

Beautiful painting Jenny

Beautiful painting Jenny, really lovely robin

Thank you all so much for your encouraging comments!! It warms my heart... :-)

exquisite detail in the robins plummage, I do love your bird portraits the position of the bird on the canvas particulary your gulls is captivating. you show the birds character. i was watching a Nuthatch this week and I could imagine him in one your paintings. inspiring.

Thank you Helen so much for your kind comment!

I agree with Michael, Jenny - this is one of your best in your consistently outstanding gallery. It's beautiful.

Hi Jenny, just catching up on artwork! This is lovely :)

im having trouble with Robins, the only bird that is almost impossible for me to get right.......... this again, it is like a photo, you have a lot of talent Jenny, this is really great :-)

Ohhh my favorite! I love the chubby little birds! This is precious!

This is also one of my favorites. Thank you, Nancy. And thank you Seok, Sarah and Rebecca, for some reason I was not notified by your comments!

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil and book pages on canvas, 20x20cm, 2011

About the Artist
Jenny Moed-Korpela

I'm a nature and wildlife artist from Finland currently living in Shanghai. I work in Acrylics, oils and watercolours. Thank you so much for looking at my art. Comments and questions are more than welcome!

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