Autumn Colours Ruhr Valley

Autumn Colours Ruhr Valley

I get a feeling of the scene Holger. Lovely colours this Autumn.

Lovely colours and autumnal feel to this one

I love that sky with the enticing slice of blue Holger, also you caught the lovely colour of the Autumn larches.

Hang on Studio Wall

Yellow larches give the hills a colourful sparkle, the sky is a mixture of grey, only somtimes clouds devide and opens an area of bright blue and even brighter white, tried to capture thism watercolour A3

About the Artist
Holger .

I am a hobby painter. I try to capture my impressions of the landscape, the atmosphere and a little bit the inner of my self. Being an engineer in the automotive industry, I enjoy it very much to switch to something totally different. On my business travels to UK I detected leisure painter…

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