Steel Works Glowing behind the Winter Wood

Steel Works Glowing behind the Winter Wood

Nice painting Holger, you have caught the light very well, love it.

I bet this is quite a sight to behold Holger.....apocalyptic in fact. The style in which you have painted this reminds me in some way of the style of Van Gogh.

Thank you Fiona and John!

Posted by Holger . on Sat 02 Feb 13:53:10
Hang on Studio Wall

Yesterday we had snow. When the near by Steel Works poured their slag the glowing of the sky for a short while created this special light. Tried to paint this from memory. Watercolour A3

About the Artist
Holger .

I am a hobby painter. I try to capture my impressions of the landscape, the atmosphere and a little bit the inner of my self. Being an engineer in the automotive industry, I enjoy it very much to switch to something totally different. On my business travels to UK I detected leisure painter…

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