Day lilies

Day lilies

Lovely painting Helen, my day lilies are just coming out.

Thanks Margaret - in this heat I think they'll be finished by Friday (more like "hour lilies"!)

Yes the day lilies are beautiful at the moment, this is gorgeous Helen against the dark colourful background.

I really like the bold colours and confident brushstrokes in this painting.

Posted on Thu 06 Jul 15:33:47
Hang on Studio Wall

Practising intensifying acrylic colours with gloss medium

About the Artist
Helen Melia

Self-taught, having started quite late in life! After a lifetime of doodling and drawing, and with my family nearly off my hands and now only working part-time, I took the plunge in early 2015 and went on an acrylics painting course in Italy. Since then I have been painting in every available…

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