The Sunny Cottage walk

The Sunny Cottage walk

Soft and glowing landscape, Helen, and not a cyclist in site. I like how you resisted detailing the house etc and the lovely light throughout

This is great, I really like the simplicity of it. What medium is it ?

Thanks to you both - such nice comments! Sylvia I have used acrylics. I am trying to simplify in my head the ultra-fussy ultra-overgrown local countryside so I'm glad it's working!

Hang on Studio Wall

A pretty old cottage nestled in the rolling country below Box Hill - a favourite walk of mine

About the Artist
Helen Melia

Self-taught, having started quite late in life! After a lifetime of doodling and drawing, and with my family nearly off my hands and now only working part-time, I took the plunge in early 2015 and went on an acrylics painting course in Italy. Since then I have been painting in every available…

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