Sorry Mum, I didn't mean to get old

Sorry Mum, I didn't mean to get old

lovely painting of a good old girl. lovely face which quite moved me . Hope she has a few happy years yet. give her a pat from me.

Hi Helen lovely painting . I hope he gets well , my little dog is 14 his eyesight bad and his hearing and hes wobbly . He breaksmy heart but we give him a lot of love and treasure each day hes with us .

Thanks Syd and Dennis - she's pretty resilient, 13 years old (pretty good for a Lab) deaf as a post but rejuvenated by a new squeaky tennis ball which must reverberate through her teeth! The bit that made me melancholy was painting those eyes with the grey reflection of her cataracts, but she's always had a sad face so I'm used to the gloomy features!!

Your love for your dog shines through in this painting Helen. Hope all goes well, I've been through this a few times it doesn't get easier.

Such a great painting Helen, she looks so lovely I'm sure you will treasure this in years to come. My dog is 14, a good age, he's actually looking like an old man now with grey around his eyes and arthritis. I hope your lovely dog keeps going for a good while yet.

Oh don't - you're breaking my heart as I know what it is like to be facing that sort of thing with a dog. Beautiful heartfelt portrait and I am really feeling the passionate sentiment that motivated you to do it. Wishing all the luck in the world to your lovely friend.

Expression well captured. Lovely portrait.

Hang on Studio Wall

I don't intend to make a habit of painting dogs but the old girl got diagnosed with cancer this week (hopefully treatable) so I thought it was time to paint her portrait

About the Artist
Helen Melia

Self-taught, having started quite late in life! After a lifetime of doodling and drawing, and with my family nearly off my hands and now only working part-time, I took the plunge in early 2015 and went on an acrylics painting course in Italy. Since then I have been painting in every available…

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